Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Best books of 2011

December's Book Bites discussion was about the best books you've read this past year.  (They do not have to be new books.)
My two fav's were:
1.  The Night Strangers by Chris Bohjalian.  A nice marginally creepy book involving a plane crash where 39 people die, a town of Stepford like wiccans all named after different herbs and spices, and a door in the basement bolted shut with 39 carriage bolts.
2. A Visit from the Goon Squad by Jennifer Egan.  Wow, when I finished this one I wanted to turn around and just start it all over again.  Inter connected stories that form a picture of where we have been and where we might end up.

And I have to give a shout out to One Day by David Nichols--not necessarily the best book I've read, but it had quite an effect on me.  Emotionally I carried it around with me for days.