Monday, December 10, 2012

Best reads of the year

Season is here and Book Bites is starting up! I want to know what are the best books you've read this year? 
My top choice is:
1. The Age of Miracles by Karen Thompson Walker 
Wow, even when the entire planet is undergoing major cataclysmic changes what  it is to be a 12 year old girl is still the same.
After that in no order are:
Arcadia by Lasuren Groff
The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern
The Borrower by Rebecca Makkai
I also have lots of other runners up but those 4 left me breathless or teary at many points.  (I couldn't speak for a good minute at the end of Age of Miracles--what a fabulous book!)
And if you are in town don't forget:

Beginning of Season PARTY!

Join us
Thursday, December 13th
at 4:30
when we discuss
This is YOUR book club—come discuss and share the books you love.
Sci Fi, Mystery, Espionage, Literary, Romance…

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Still here!

Okay so it's been a while. 
It's summertime and time for Adult Summer Reading here at the Key West Library.  Read for prizes--it's not just for kids anymore!  This years adult theme is "between the covers."  I've interpreted this theme as Gothic horror and suspense, other worlds and other creatures.  Basically books that have made me cower under the covers at night. 
Currently I am reading The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson and listening to The Flame Alphabet by Ben Marcus.  What books have creeped you out?
Here's my mid year resolution--spend more time with this blog!  Let's see how I do...

Monday, January 30, 2012

Sorry, forgot about January!

In January Book Bites met in the library to discuss authors we read or saw that were at this year's Key West Literary Seminar, Yet Another World:  Literature of the Future.  My absolute favorites were Jennifer Egan talking about the PowerPoint narrative and Gary Shteyngart early Sunday morning talking about whatever it is he talks about, I was laughing so much I know I missed a lot!
What a way to start the year--seeing the authors of the best two books I've read in the last couple of years!
Anyone have anything to add?